How to uninstall avast antivirus
How to uninstall avast antivirus

Just like AppData, there are some data related to Avast Antivirus that remain in registry Editor of Windows even after uninstalling the program. Step 4 – Uninstall Avast from the Registry Editor This will remove all the data of Avast Antivirus from your computer. This will show you AppData folder.Ĥ: Location Avast Antivirus folder and right-click on it.ĥ: From the menu, click on Delete option. Here are the steps to remove Avast from AppData.Ģ: Type %appdata% in the search bar and press Enter key. Then click on Restart Computer button.Įven when you uninstall Avast by the above-mentioned steps, there are some data that still remain on your computer inside AppData folder. Here are the steps to follow –ġ: Right-click on the Windows Start icon and select Apps and Features option from the menu.Ģ: Click on Apps & features option on the left panel.ģ: On the right side, click on Avast Free Antivirus and click on Uninstall button.Ĥ: You will be asked for confirmation, click on Yes button.ĥ: Avant Free Antivirus Setup window will appear where you have to click on Uninstall button.Ħ: You will be asked for confirmation, click on Yes button.ħ: Wait patiently for the uninstallation process to get completed. The most common way of uninstalling Avast is from the Control Panel. Step 2 – Uninstall Avast from Apps & Features Select Avast Free Antivirus from the drop-down list at the bottom and click on Uninstall button.Ħ: You need to wait patiently for the utility to remove Avast antivirus program and its associated files.ħ: On the next screen, click on Restart computer to complete the uninstallation process and restart Windows in normal mode. Therefore, click on Yes button and you may get another re-confirmation message where you have to click on Yes button again.ĥ: When your computer has restarted in Safe Mode, you will see a dialog box with title “Welcome to Avast Uninstall Tool”. You may get a prompt message if you want to allow the operation, click on Yes button.Ĥ: You will now be prompted to restart your computer in Safe Mode. Here are the complete steps –ġ: Download Avast Uninstall Utility setup file on your computer.Ģ: Go to the location where you have downloaded the setup file.ģ: Right-click on the file and click on ‘ Run as administrator option from the drop-down menu.

how to uninstall avast antivirus

You need to uninstall Avast by using Avast uninstall utility.

how to uninstall avast antivirus

Steps to Completely Remove Avast Antivirus Step 1 – Use Avast Uninstall Utility Step 4 – Uninstall Avast from the Registry Editor.Step 2 – Uninstall Avast from Apps & Features.

how to uninstall avast antivirus

  • Steps to Completely Remove Avast Antivirus.

  • How to uninstall avast antivirus